What Was the Baltimore Police Station in Cry Baby Movie?
Weep-Baby is a 1990 satirical teen romantic one-act moving-picture show written and directed past John Waters.
Set in The '50s, it tells the classic story of Star-Crossed Lovers — "square" Allison Vernon-Williams (Amy Locane) falls for Wade "Weep-Babe" Walker (Johnny Depp), leader of the local "drapes" in their Baltimore neighborhood — and the upheaval their romance causes between the hillbilly drapes and the uptight squares.
Did we mention information technology'south a musical?
Cry-Baby provides examples of the post-obit tropes:
- Action Dress Rip: The motorcycle stunt in the climax.
- Adaptation Expansion: The stage musical transforms Cry-Babe's would-be girlfriend Lenora into a bona-fide Stalker with a Crush. It also claims that Cry-Infant'due south parents were sent to the electric chair for existence suspected Communist spies and that Baldwin's grandfather was responsible for it happening. It also includes scenes of Wanda, Pepper and Hatchet-Face up in a girls reform school, while Cry-Baby and Dupree are in jail.
- Adrenaline Makeover: What the drapettes exercise for Allison. It mainly involves Letting Her Pilus Downward, and giving her a pair of pare-tight pedal-pushers and a bustier peak.
- Affectionate Parody: Of 1950s juvenile delinquent flicks, and the jukebox musicals of the same era.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Quote Allison when she sees Cry-Baby, "I am so tired of being good."
- Alliterative Name: Wade Walker. Both names mean "walk".
- Babies Ever After: In the picture show'due south finish, Pepper gives birth to a babe male child and her boyfriend proposes to her, which she happily accepts.
- Be a Whore to Get Your Man: Averted, with Lenora, and Allison, who Cry-Baby thought was cute even earlier her sexy makeover.
- Berserk Button: Lightning drives Cry-Babe crazy considering both of his parents died by electricity. Baldwin even rubs this fact in by revealing that it was his grandpa who set off the chair that killed them.
- Butter Face: Played with, the aptly named Hatchetface is introduced in the classic "gag" manner in the opening scene, where ii hoodlums standing in line backside her waiting to get vaccinations reach for her attractively swaying lesser-simply to be shocked when she turns around and reveals her flattened nose, crossed eyes, and horrible teeth. Averted in the rest of the pic, though-she has a very happy relationship with i of the male characters of the movie, and none of the Drapes treat her whatsoever differently than the gorgeous Wanda, played by Traci Lords.
- Camp: Well, it is John Waters, later on all.
- Motorcar Fu: The "chicken" showdown at the climax.
- Censored for Comedy: Invoked in the original theatrical release, equally Waters was simply allowed one F-word so every bit to non compromise the more accessible PG-13 rating. That ane unbleeped instance turns into a Funny Moment:
Wanda: Would you merely get me the [Blip] out of hither?!
Mrs. Woodward: What's [Blip] hateful, Hector?
Mr. Woodward: Oh, Meg, it'south just a teen nonsense word Wanda uses to make herself feel all grown up.
Mrs. Woodward: Your Laurels, tin nosotros take Wanda the fuck home?
(Court audience and reporters gasp and laughs)
- This commutation is completely uncensored in the director's cut.
- Chick Magnet: Cry-Baby, of course.
- Conveniently an Orphan: Both Allison and Weep-Infant; her parents were killed in two different plane crashes, while his father was the Alphabet Bomber, and was executed in the electric chair, also as his married woman, when she tried to intervene on his behalf.
- Cool Sometime Lady: Although initially as formal and uptight as the other Squares, Mrs. Vernon-Williams becomes more of this as the film progresses.
- Oversupply Song: The Whiffles' cross-town performance of the Bunny Hop, "Please Mr. Jailer" and "High School Hellcats".
- Damsel in Distress: During the Craven race, the Whiffles strength Mrs. Vernon-Williams in their car.
- Dartboard of Hate: Ramona has a dartboard with Mrs. Vernon-Williams's face painted on information technology.
- Night Is Not Evil / Light Is Not Skilful: The Drapes and Squares, respectively.
- Delinquents
- Disappeared Dad: The begetter of Pepper's children is unknown and, as far equally we know, nowhere to exist seen.
- Drum Bathing: We beginning run into Iggy Popular bathing in a little metal tub in the yard - he cheerfully exclaims "Ya caught me in my birthday suit!"
- Embarrassing First Proper name: Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker never goes by his beginning name.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Adept: Well, more like White Cannot Comprehend Hip.
- Face up of a Thug: Mona, aka "Hatchet-Face".
- Felony Misdemeanor:
- "Electricity makes me INSANE!"
- "Are you aware that Negroes were present at this evening's disturbance?"
- The '50s: The motion picture takes place in 1954.
- Freudian Excuse: Weep-Babe has to practice one rotten thing every day to avenge his parents, both of whom died in the electric chair.
- The Fundamentalist: Boy howdy. Milton's parents.
- Generation Xerox: Cry-Babe's and Pepper'south parents and grandparents could qualify for this. Milton's extremely bourgeois parents and Wanda's Stepford Smiler parents largely avert this.
- Behemothic Medical Syringe: The students are shown in the film's opening getting their school vaccinations with large needles.
- Girl Posse: The Weep-Infant girls, to a degree.
- Heel–Confront Turn: The judge and Mrs. Vernon-Williams let Cry-Baby and several of the other drapes out of jail at the end. Lenora likewise sides with the squares for a shot at redemption.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Milton and Hatchet-Confront
- "I Am" Song: "King Weep-Baby" and "High-School Hellcats".
- Informed Attribute: The Drapes' bad, evil means. Nosotros hear that Hatchet-Face is so tough she coulda eaten nails for breakfast, that Pepper'southward pregnant just she fights equally good as whatever man, that Milton is "immature, stupid and mean", and the vocal "Loftier-School Hellcats" says that all of Weep-Baby's gang is "Friends of the devil, twice as mean", but we never see whatever evidence of this, except the way they dress.
- Incest Subtext: During the sweethearts dance to l's love songs and anybody is paired up and making out with their significant other, Pepper'southward kids Snaredrum and Suzy Q are seen dancing together to a dear vocal. Though this would be justified since in that location'south no other kids are around for them to trip the light fantastic with.
- Ironic Name: Lenora Frigid seems very open up to flirting with Anything That Moves.
- Jerkass: Allison'southward fellow, Baldwin.
- Kick the Domestic dog: Many "square" characters do this to Weep-Baby and the other drapes, but only Baldwin seems to get existent joy out of information technology.
- Big Ham: Most of the cast, merely specially Johnny Depp, peculiarly during his Freudian Excuse monologue.
- Mad Bomber: Wade "Cry Baby" Walker'due south male parent was the "Alphabet Bomber", who bombed buildings in alphabetical order. He got the electric chair.
- Mama Behave: A heavily pregnant Pepper fights for her kids when they get taken away to an orphanage.
- Mama'south Infant, Papa's Mayhap: It's never known whether Pepper'southward current boyfriend is the father of her unborn baby or if a previous boyfriend is. Either manner, he's happy to assist her heighten her three kids together.
- Make-Out Point: There's one at Turkey Point, where Allison learns to French-kiss. In the stage play, the set-up is used at the backdrop for the tender ballad "Daughter, Tin I Kiss You (With Natural language)."
- Manly Tears: Weep-Babe is known for his ability to shed a single tear.
- The New Rock & Ringlet: Equally the picture show is set in 1953, it'southward not satanic yet, just trashy "race music".
- Nothing but Hits: Largely averted, except with the land club's talent show performances of "A Teenage Prayer" and "Sh-Nail".
- Politically Correct History: Sort of: well-nigh of the Squares are openly prejudiced against blackness people, but the Drapes appear to have no trouble with them.
- Pregnant Badass: Pepper who manages to put up a tough fight in times of danger fifty-fifty before she gives birth in the flick's climax.
- Of course, this may be considering "regular/moderate" smoking takes years if not DECADES to take result.
- Lamentable-Times Montage: "Teardrops are Falling" includes Allison drinking a jar full of her own tears.
- Scatting: The stage musical'due south song "Baby Infant Babe Baby (Baby Baby)" parodies the scat-like lyrics in rockabilly music.
- Screen-to-Stage Adaptation
- Seemingly-Wholesome '50s Girl: Allison eventually develops into i of these. She remains more or less her sugariness cocky, simply now she's a runaway's girlfriend, and more inclined to less conservative outfits.
- Separated by the Wall: Allison and Cry-Baby gyrate on contrary sides of the drinking glass barrier in "Please, Mr. Jailer".
- Shout-Out
- Breaking Cry-Babe out of jail and Pepper'due south kids out of the orphanage pays tribute to The Benny Hill Show.
- Depp's performance also evokes a young Elvis Presley.
- Single Tear: The hole-and-corner to Cry-Baby'south sex appeal. Aside from existence played by Johnny Depp, of course.
- Smoking Is Absurd: Played direct with Cry-Baby, just averted with Hatchet-Face up's parents, i of whom
ends up in an iron lung.
- Smoking Is Not Absurd: While the residue of the teenage Drapes, Squares and townspeople smoke cigarettes vicariously showing piffling to no effects, Hatchet-Confront's mother is shown to be quite a heavy smoker, cough violently fifty-fifty though she continues to smoke the cigarettes. This soon results in her being put in an iron lung machine for support while she and her married man show no shame for their actions and instead put the blame on their just daughter Hatchet-Face in front of the whole courtroom.
- Speaking Like Totally Teen: The former
Trope Namer is "Get a Load of that Square", almost quoted discussion for word.
- Spiritual Successor: To Hairspray.
- Spinning Newspaper
- Stalker with a Vanquish: Lenora. Fabricated even more blatant in The Musical.
- That Nostalgia Show
- That Reminds Me of a Song: Almost all the songs start like this, particularly in the 2nd one-half.
- "The Reason You lot Suck" Spoken language: Mrs. Vernon-Williams gives a brief and well-deserved 1 to Lenora for her behavior
Mrs. Vernon-Williams: You may be a square Lenora, simply you're nonetheless a tramp!
- Pepper gives her a similar one, saying that her brother likes his girls "bad, not inexpensive."
- Trash Landing: Hatchet-Confront and her boyfriend escape the police chasing after them past diving into a big garbage truck and hiding inside of the garbage while the truck drives them away.
- Victoria's Surreptitious Compartment: Pepper keeps a switchblade in her bra.
- Vomit Discretion Shot: On i of the deleted scenes.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Pepper'south son, Snare-Pulsate, and her daughter, Susie-Q.
- Why Did It Take to Be Snakes?: Baldwin and the Whiffles' reactions to "colored" music and drapes, in general.
- Window Dearest: "Please, Mr. Jailer", a song and dance number which the managing director says was inspired past peep shows and gloryholes.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Lenora pretends to be pregnant with Cry-Baby's child to split him and Allison upwards, and Baldwin does the same when harassing the Drapes at Turkey Signal: "They shell me and kicked me; all because I dear you."
- Yank the Canis familiaris'due south Chain: The prison guards to the Drapes.
- You Put the "X" in "XY": Ramona says, "You put the T in tough!"
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/CryBaby
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