Do Mary and Francis Get Together Again


1 ____________ Hell, said Jean-Paul Sartre, is other people, and whether you concur with

two ____________ or not, nosotros are all have to learn to alive together. We may not always

3 ____________ approve of that other people's behaviour, but nosotros do accept to live with it.

4 ____________ It is impossible to strength other people in to carry exactly how we remember

5 ____________ they should acquit. Of class, the law bans from all kinds of behaviour

half-dozen ____________ and if you can convince to plenty people, you might exist able to become the

seven ____________ authorities to pass a new law. Mostly, though, you have to let off people

8 ____________ live their own lives, in the same way y'all await them to permit you for to

9 ____________ live your life. You don't take to pretend it that y'all like how another

ten ____________ people live, just letting them to be themselves is often the just pick.

Discussion formation

H   Use the discussion given in capitals at the finish of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

I had a really stupid (1) ____________ with my best friend the other day. It all Argue

started because we were talking nearly (2) ____________ and having a family. Ally

I said that (3) ____________ is of import when you are married and she said POLITE

that she thought that was rubbish and that (4) ____________ is much more than KIND

important. Well, nosotros were (5) ____________ to agree and, in the cease, she left ABLE

without maxim adieu. I do hope it doesn't spoil our (half-dozen) ____________ . FRIEND

I Complete the sentences by irresolute the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1. My all-time friend has a great ____________ (PERSON) and everyone likes her.

2. I have a good ____________ (RELATE) with my mum and I can talk to her about anything.

3. They've just published a book of George Bush's ____________ (CORRESPOND) and it looks really interesting.

4. Jenny seemed ____________ (WILLING) to talk almost her argument with Nancy only I eventually got the facts.

5. Equally I waited for Kelly to get in at the movie theater, I bit my nails ____________ (Nerve).

6. Ignore what Sharon says about y'all. Information technology'southward just ____________ (JEALOUS).

7. In the by, children were expected to be very ____________ (OBEY).

viii. Brenda blames her ____________ (HAPPY) on being single, but I'm not so sure.

9. Tom knew that being chosen every bit course president was a real ____________ (Reach).

10. Kevin's then sensitive that you have to exist very ____________ (CARE) what you say to him.

Units ix and ten                              REVIEW v

A  Write one discussion in each gap.


Many people dream (1) ________ living in a foreign country. Information technology tin can be an amazing feel for those who (2) ________ the courage to leave their family and friends and settle (3) ________ in a new identify. However, there'due south i potential problem you should be aware of: civilization daze. Culture shock is the feeling we get from living in a place that is so different to where we

(iv) ________ up that we are not sure how to deal with it. Societies are organised in many differentways, and nosotros can often exist (5) ________ aback by some of the things nosotros find in foreign countries.

Customs and traditions tin be very different and that tin can sometimes brand it difficult to (half-dozen) ________ on with local people and to (7) ________ friends. They might not approve(eight) ________ things you exercise or might object (nine) ________ things you say. You might even bebanned (10) ________ doing things in another country that are perfectly legal in your ain.

(11) ________ you were to motion to a land such as Singapore, say, yous might find some of thelaws very strict.At that place, people tin be forced (12) ________ pay a big fine merely for dropping litter.Somewhen, though, well-nigh people who live abroad (thirteen) ________ in love with their adoptedcountry and acquire to take its differences. It does (fourteen) ________ existent courage to brand such a bigchange to your life, but many people concord (15) ________ information technology is worth it in the end.

(ane mark per respond)

В Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

sixteen. My ________ (FRIEND) with Harriet is one of the most important things in my life.

17. Many parents mutter of their children's ________ (OBEY), just I think they were probably exactly the same.

eighteen. Don't heed to Mary - she's just ________ (JEALOUS) of you.

19. We all watched ________ (Nervus) as Mark made his speech of thanks.

20. Don't you retrieve that we should make sure that ________ (ABLE) people have the same rights equally everyone else?

21. Terry is really ________ (ARGUE) and is always looking for fights with other people.

22. Hasn't anyone ever told you that it'southward very ________ (POLITE) to interrupt when other people are talking?

(one marking per respond)

С   Complete the second judgement using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first judgement. Write betwixt two and five words in each gap.

23. I promised my mum that I would work hard this year. fabricated

I made my mum a promisethat I would work hard this year.

24. My parents immune me to become out even though it was very late. let

My parents ________________________ fifty-fifty though it was very tardily.

25. Margaret and I accept had an argument, then we're not talking to each other. out

Margaret and I ________________________ , and then we're not talking to each other.

26. Nobody approved of the new police force when information technology was introduced. approval

The new law didn't ________________________ when it was introduced.

27. I didn't want to have an argument, so I changed the subject. mood

I wasn't ________________________ an argument, so I changed the subject.

28.Tina was depressed because shen couldn't brand friends at summer camp. inability

Ttna wasidepirewed because ________________________ Friends at summer camp.

29. 'Could yous open the door for me, please?' said Simon. me

Simon ________________________ the door for him.

30.Make sure you expect after your footling brotherwhtle I'thousand out. care

Make sure you ________________________ your fiddling brotherwhtle I'm out.

(2 marks per answer)

В Choose the correct respond.

31. If I … the lottery I'd give some of the money to each member of my family.

A win                           В accept won

C will win                     D won

32.'Do you have an argument with Francis?' – 'If you had been there, y'all … the same.'

A did                            В would take done

С had done                   D will do

33. If you see Nina on Friday,      … her to give me a ring.

A you will tell                   В tell to

С you would have told     D tell

34. If I'd known you werecoming, I …a cake.

A would have baked         В would bake

С will bate                         D baked

35. Remind Tony about the political party … he's forgotten.

A in case                           В unites

С provided that                 D except

36. 'Did you have a bulletin for Dan?' – Tell him I'll call him on Friday if you … him.'

A hadseen                         B see

С will encounter                          D saw

(one marker per answer)

E Cull the correct respond.

37. This fascinating volume covers some of the nigh … crimes of the twentieth century.

A unknown                       С covered

В hidden                       D infamous

38. The government should do more for … people.

A usual                         С everyday

В ordinary                    D typical

39. Ivan tells me he actually … himself at your charcoal-broil last week.

A pleased                      С enjoyed

В played                       D interested

40. I know nosotros had an argument, merely at present I'd quite like to … .

A expect down                    С fallout

В brand up                    D bring up

41. Harry and Sam both denied that the fight was their … .

A blame                        С criticism

В crusade                         D error

42. The curtain went upward, the … grew silent and the actors on stage began to speak.

A crowd                       С jury

В congregation                  D audience

(1 marker per answer)

Total mark: …/ 50

Unit 11                            Grammar

• Comparatives and superlatives / and then, such, enough, too/

( Comparative and superlative adjectives)


regular adjectives with one syllable black

+ -er


+ -est blackest
regular adjectives with 1 syllable (ending in vowel + consonant) thin

double final letter of the alphabet + -er


double final letter + -est thinnest
regular adjectives with ii syllables (catastrophe in -y) funny

replace -y with -ier


supercede -y with -iest funniest
regular adjectives with two or more syllables intelligent

more than/less + adj

more than intelligent

most / least + adj almost intelligent
irregular adjectives / quantifiers adept bad far little much/many



farther /further


more than

best worst uttermost /furthest least most




To compare things or people that are different

The crime rate in this surface area is higher than in other parts of the country.


To compare one member of a group of people or things with the whole group

The robbery was the biggest in the bank's history.

Watch OUT

• Regular adjectives with ii syllables tin often also course the comparative and superlative like adjectives with one syllable.

clever, cleverer, cleverest

• Adjectives with one syllable that end in -due east add together -r and -st.

white, whiter, whitest

• Recall that comparative forms are often followed past than.

Crime is a much bigger problem in this state than in many other countries.

• Remember that superlative forms are often preceded by the.

Our local law is the best in the country.

( Comparative and superlative adverbs)



regular adverbs easily

more/less + adv

more easily

virtually/least + adv most easily
irregular adverbs badly early far fast difficult tardily frequently nearly soon well



farther /further








worst earliest uttermost /furthest fastest hardest latest nearly frequently neaestr soonest best




To compare actions that are different

Lock your door more than carefully next fourth dimension and perhaps you won't get burgled!


To compare actions of i member of a group of people or things with the whole group

But the criminal who ran fastest managed to escape from the law.

( So)

Formand so + adjective + that

                   then + adverb + that

                   and so + many/much + noun + that

Use Instance
To show the results of a state of affairs or action The burglar was and so clever that no 1 could take hold of him. Jane took the money so speedily that no one saw her. There was so much money that the robber couldn't carry it all.


• The word that is not usually necessary to introduce the 2nd clause.

The crime rate is and so loftier people are very frigh tened.

• The word and then has a number of other uses. Try not to get confused between them.

The criminal offence rate is and so high that people are very frightened.

I saw that burglar leaving the house, so I chosen the police.

( Such)

Form such + a/an + adjective + singular substantive + that

                        such + adjective + plural noun + that

                        such + a lot of + noun + that

Utilise Example
To bear witness the results of a situation or activity Information technology was such a terrible crime that the man was sent to prison house for life. The security guard had such good hearing that he heard the door open immediately. There is such a lot of offense here that the police force can't cope.

( Enough)

Form plenty + noun (+ for and/or + full infinitive)

                     adjective + enough (+ for and/or + total infinitive)

adverb + enough (+ for and/or + total infinitive)

Utilize Example
To show the results of a situation or activeness where there is/isn't the right corporeality/number of something In that location aren't enough police officers on the streets to go on us safe. Information technology wasn't darkenough for the infiltrator to first working. Did the police respond chop-chopenough to aid?

Sentinel OUT

• A common error is to put enough earlier an adjective when the correct word is quite or fairly.

It'due south quite / fairly dangerous effectually here so don't get out alone.

It ' s enough unsafe around here then don tgo out solitary.

( Too)

Form too + describing word (+ for and/or + full infinitive)

                 besides + adverb (+ for and/or + full infinitive)

                 likewise + many/much + noun (+ for and/or + total infinitive)

Apply Example
To describe something that is more than than necessary and I which has a negative effect The young man was likewise young to go to prison house. Nosotros arrived also late for the start of the trial. We send besides many innocent people to prison.


• Nosotros practice not use likewise when we want to draw something we consider to be positive. Instead, nosotros use very , really or extremely .

You lot were very /really / extremely lucky non to get caught.

You were also lucky not to go caught.

A  Complete using the comparative forms of the words in capitals.

1. Your brother is much taller(Alpine) than mine.

2. This island used to be much ________ (Light-green) before the forest fires.

three. Slow down! Y'all're ________ (FIT) than me and I can't go on up!

4. Veronica seems ________ (HAPPY) since she moved schools.

5. It'south actually ________ (TRENDY) to wear your pilus up this yr.

6. Equally the time for the performance got nearer, I got ________ (NERVOUS).

seven. Old people are often ________ (WISE) than immature people.

viii. Why don't you lot effort and find a ________ (CHEAP) computer game and savesome coin?

9. Matt seems to accept got even ________ (LAZY) than he used to exist andalmost never studies.

10. If the problem gets whatever ________ (SERIOUS), nosotros may need to inform themanager about it.

11. If you piece of work ________ (Rapidly), you'll finish sooner and then you can gohome earlier.

12. Ben says he's feeling much ________ (WELL) after his illness.

13. I have fifty-fifty ________ (Petty) gratis time this year than I did last year.

xiv. The news was much ________ (BAD) than anyone had feared.

15. You'll need to be able to run ________ (FAR) than this if you're going to dothe marathon.

В Complete using the superlative forms of the words in capitals.

1. I think Mohammed Ali was the greatest (Swell) boxer that always lived.

2. It was the ________ (BORING) pic I had ever seen.

3. Our teacher told us that the student with the ________ (HIGH) marker wouldget a prize.

4. Ginger is i of the ________ (LUCKY) cats alive - he'southward been hit by a carthree times and has never been hurt!

5. Out of all the students in my music school, I practise ________ (OFTEN).

half-dozen. The Pacific is the ________ (DEEP) ocean in the world.

seven. That'due south the ________ (UGLY) fish I've ever seen!

viii. I was ill earlier the test and I did ________ (BADLY) out of the whole form.

9. The ________ (FAR) I've run in one day is nigh 10 kilometres.

ten. Don't you recollect this would be the ________ (LOVELY) spot for a picnic?

eleven. But that'south the ________ (CRAZY) thought I've e'er heard!

12. I asked the assistant to bear witness me the ________ (MODERN) telephone they had.

13. I told the manager that it was the ________ (BAD) hotel I had always stayed in.

fourteen. Who do yous remember is the ________ (LITTLE) talented player to win an Oscar?

15. Out of all the members of the choir, Jason sang ________ (WELL).

С Circumvolve the right discussion.


Crime Does Pay, the (1) later / latest comedy from manager Sam Martin, has to be one of the(two)little / to the lowest degree interesting films I take ever seen.The interim is terrible and the story is much(3)worse / worst than Martin's other bomb, Escape. Criminal offense Does Pay was apparently (4) more than / most expensive than any other film this year, merely it'due south hard to see where the money went.The plot concerns a gang of burglars who decide to steal the (5) more than / nearly valuable painting in the world. Fine, except these criminals are far (6) less / least agreeable than they should be.There isn't a unmarried real laugh in the whole moving-picture show. When I saw it, even (vii) younger / youngest members of the audience thought it was stupidly kittenish. Dean Richards, playing Scarnose, does a slightly (8) ameliorate / all-time task than the others, simply at that place isn't much in it. When volition Hollywood realise that equally ticket prices go (9) higher / highest, more people are finding that the (10) well / best form of amusement is to spend an evening at home with a DVD?

D   Complete each 2nd sentence using the give-and-take given, so that it has a similar significant to the first sentence. Write betwixt 2 and five words in each gap.

ane. I have never read a improve book than this one. ever

This is the best book I take ever read.

ii. Nobody has ever been this far into the jungle. the

This is._____________________ has always been into the jungle.

three. I have never worked so hard in my whole life. ever

It was the._____________________ in my whole life.

4. Liam is the tallest boy in the course. than

Every other male child in the class._____________________ Liam.

5. This is the nicest beach forth this part of the coast. than

This._____________________ the others forth this function of the coast.

6. I read that Mountain Everest is the highest mountain. no

I read that._____________________ Mountain Everest.

7. Has anyone ever been this far due north before? the

Is._____________________ has e'er been?

8. The painting Ed did is the ugliest one y'all can imagine. than

You can't imagine._____________________ the i Ed did.

nine. This stamp is rarer than any other in my collection. more

The other stamps in my collection._____________________ this one.

x. Nobody in the form runs as fast as Pedro. runner

Pedro._____________________ in the class.

E Rewrite each sentence using so... that .

ane John tin see over the wall because he is tall. – John is then alpine that he can come across over the wall.

2 I'm certain my sister will become to university considering she is clever. –

three I can't end playing this figurer game because it'southward adept. –

4 Tim can't come out because he has a lot of work to practise. –

five It's hot, which means I can't sleep. –

6 Tina arrived belatedly, which meant she missed the train. –

7 We don't have any money for luxuries because we have a lot of bills to pay. –

8 It takes a day to go to Commonwealth of australia because it's very far abroad. –

F Match to brand sentences.

1. Last year, winter started so                  Amany storms that we had floods.

2. Concluding winter, there were so               Вcold that the water in the pipes froze.

iii. Terminal twelvemonth, nosotros had such                    Сa common cold winter that 1 had to slumber with a lid on!

4. Concluding winter, in that location was so                 Dsuddenly that many people were taken bysurprise.

5. Concluding wintertime, there was such a lot of     Emuch snow that 1 skied about every day.

half-dozen. Terminal winter was and so                           Fsnow that many wildlife died.

G Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I don't recollect there's plenty pizza / pizza enough for anybody.

ii. I'chiliad afraid you're non enough old / old enough to see this motion-picture show.

3. Luckily, nosotros got to the box part enough early / early enough and got the tickets.

4. Anne'due south enough sensible / sensible plenty to realise she needs to work hard this year.

v. If you don't train plenty hard / hard enough, you'll never win the race.

6. Have you got enough credits / credits enough to call Yiota on your mobile?

7. It should be enough warm / warm enough for a picnic this weekend.

8. I don't think I'1000 skillful enough for getting / to get into the swimming squad.

nine. Are you sure yous've got enough chairs for us all to sit down / we all sit downward?

ten. In mountaineering,you have to be strong enough for pull / to pull yourself up with your fingers.

H Tick (✓) the correct sentences. If a judgement is incorrect, write another word to supplant the discussion in bold.

ane. I wanted to get some new trainers only they were too expensive. ____✓ __

2. Japanese is a too difficult linguistic communication for Westerners to learn. very/really

three. Daniel's too good at art and he's starting art school side by side year. _________

4. Don't invite as well many people to the party or we won't take enough room. _________

5. If you try to write your essay also rapidly, y'all'll brand mistakes . _________

vi. My new computer is as well fast and can run all the latest programs       . _________

7. Joanne was fined for driving as well fast. _________

8. Carol couldn't climb over the wall because information technology was too high. _________

ix. Cornwall is too beautiful and we go there every yr on holiday. _________

x. My grandparents are likewise erstwhile to work at present and have retired. _________

eleven. It was besides nighttime for me to see the map and I got lost. _________

12. My best friend is too funny and ever makes me laugh. _________

I Choose the correct answer.

1. It was … windy that I couldn'tstand up!

A so                       С enough

В such                   D likewise

2. Everyone had … a good time whenwe went bowling that we agreed to goagain.

A so                       С enough

В such                   D likewise

3. Emma and Karen used to be … good friends that I'm surprised theydon't become on at present.

A so                       С enough

В such                   D too

iv. I hope I've got … money to pay for this meal!

A and then                       С enough

В such                   D likewise

five. I'm sorry, but I've got … much workto do to come to the beach today.

A then                       С enough

В such                   D too

half dozen My mum was      angry that I knewI'd better disappear for a while.

A and then                       С enough

В such                   D too

seven They were … beautiful shoes that I decided I had to become them.

A so                       С enough

В such                   D too

8 The convulsion was … powerfulthat the boondocks was destroyed.

A so                       С enough

В such                   D too

9. The shot was … quick for thegoalkeeper and the ball hit the back ofthe internet.

A so                       С enough

В such                   D also

ten. I had … a bad headache that I went to lie downwardly for a while.

A so                       С enough

В such                   D likewise

J Write i give-and-take in each gap.


'Hello, and welcome to Crimestoppers, the show that lets yous, the viewer, help the constabulary. We'vehad (1)sucha lot of letters this week that information technology's difficult to know where to brainstorm. We'll startwith the story of Mrs Pat Williams, of Cambridge. Last Friday, Pat decided to get into boondocks withher babe daughter. It's (2) ________ far to walk and so they went to the bus finish. They waited(3) ________ a long time that baby Caroline started to cry. Pat picked the baby up out ofthe pram and she was (four) ________ decorated she didn't discover the man beside her until information technology was(five) ________ tardily. He grabbed her handbag and ran off (half dozen) ________ quickly for her tocatch him. It all happened (vii) ________ fast that in that location was nothing anyone could practise. Policeare appealing for witnesses. Maybe you were in the expanse. Maybe you lot think that what y'all saw is (8) ________ unimportant thac the police force won't exist interested. Retrieve that no detail is (9) ________ small to exist useful to the police. Telephone call us here at Crimestoppers now.'

Unit 12                            Vocabulary

The Law and Crime

Topic vocabulary in contrast                                                          see page 190 for definitions

proof / show dominion / police force / justice / right vandal / hooligan
suspect / arrest / charge judge/jury sentence / imprison
suspect/defendant prosecute / persecute innocent/guilty
decision / verdict upper-case letter punishment / corporal punishment witness / bystander
commit / break robber / infiltrator / thief lawyer / solicitor

Phrasal verbs

back down stop demanding sth, stop saying that you will practice sth hand in requite to a person in say-so break out escape (from prison) hold upward rob while threatening violence; delay bring in introduce a new police force or system let off give little or no penalisation; make a flop, etc explode chase after follow sb/sth speedily in gild to catch them look into investigate come forward offer help or information make off escape get away with escape punishment for sth accept down write down what someone says go off explode; be fired (for a gun, usually accidentally) have in trick sb into believing sth that is non true

Phrases and collocations

account on business relationship of; take into account; account for sth
advantage accept advantage of sth/sb;have an advantage over sth/sb;at an reward; an/one/etc advantage (of sth)
blame exist to blame (for sth/doing);get/take the blame (for sth/doing); put the blame on sth/sb; blame sth (on sb); blame sb for sth/doing
harm do/cause damage (to sth)
error at fault;find fault with sth/sb
intention accept the/no intention of doing
mistake make a mistake; a fault (to do); mistake sb for sb;do sth by mistake
necessary necessary (for sb) to practice
order in order; put sth in order; in order to do; give an order (to sb) (to practice)
permission give sb permission to exercise; ask (sb) for permission to practice; have/ask for/become permission (from sb) to do
purpose do sth on purpose; purpose of sth
reason reason why; reason for sth; reason with sb
solution have/find/think of/work out/come up with/effigy out a solution (to sth)
wrong do wrong; do the wrong thing; the wrong matter to practise; go wrong; the wrong way upwards

Give-and-take pattens

accuse sb of sth/doing doubt sth; uncertainty that; uncertainty if/whether make sb practise; be fabricated to practice
abort sb for sth/doing glimpse sth; catch a glimpse of sth refuse to exercise sth; refuse sth
charge sb with sth guilty of sth/doing respect sth; respect sb for sth/doing; have respect for sth/sb
merits to be/exercise; claim that forgive sb for sth/doing threaten to do, threaten sb with sth
deny sth/doing legal (for sb) to do

Word formation

accuse accused, accusation honest dishonest, (dis)honesty, (dis)honestly prison prisoner, imprison(ed), imprisonment
addict addicted, addictive, addiction investigate investigative, investigation, investigator testify proof, (un)proven, disprove
captive bedevilled, conviction law lawyer, (un)lawful rob robbery, robber
crime criminal murder murderer secure insecure, (in)security
evident evidence, evidently offence offensive, offend, offender theft thief
forge forgery, forger


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